(AMENDED July 2023)


These bylaws constitute the code of rules adopted by the Charlotte Harbor Parrot Head Club for the regulation and management of its affairs.



Section 1. Name: The organization shall be called The Charlotte Harbor Parrot Head Club, Inc. herein referred to as the Club, or CHPHC

Section 2. Purpose: The Charlotte Harbor Parrot Head Club, Inc. is a non-profit social organization whose mission is to provide a variety of social activities for people who are interested in living a Tropical lifestyle as portrayed in the music and writings of Jimmy Buffett and other Trop Rock musicians while at the same time giving back to the community.


Membership and Dues

Section 1. Membership: Membership in the Charlotte Harbor Parrot Head Club shall be open to all, regardless of sex, creed, national origin, or sexual preference. A member will be considered in good standing as long as his/hers dues are current.

Section 2. Dues: The annual dues of the Charlotte Harbor PHC will be as follows:

  • Annual dues will be collected January 1st of each year.

  • Dues are set by the Board of Directors, herein referred to as the BOD.

  • Renewals are due by January 31st of each year.

  • Any member wishing to terminate his/her membership will not be refunded any portion of his/her dues without majority vote of the Board of Directors.

  • Any person who has not paid dues by January 31st will be considered to have terminated his/her membership and payment of dues will reinstate his/her membership under a new membership date.

Section 3. Special Memberships:

  • Honorary membership is a lifetime membership awarded by majority BOD vote to an individual who has helped the Club, such as a business owner who has supported club functions. Honorary lifetime members do not have voting privileges.

  • Complimentary membership may be offered to a Club member who has provided outstanding service to the Club. Complimentary membership will be awarded by majority BOD vote and will have the same voting privileges as any other member in good standing.

Section 4. Removal of Membership: Membership may be revoked by a majority vote of the Board of Directors at any time if that member is found to have committed any of the following acts: misfeasance, malfeasance, misrepresentation, fraud, misuse of the Charlotte Harbor PHC’s assets (including its membership roster), or any other act that the Board of Directors deems to be detrimental to the reputation of the Charlotte Harbor PHC. The preceding may also be used as reasons for denial of membership to any potential member. Any membership fees paid prior to removal will not be refunded.

Article IV


Section 1. Meetings: The CHPHC shall meet monthly at a location designated by the Social Director.

Section 2. Business Meetings: The Club will hold at least one annual general business meeting at a place and time designated by the BOD. The BOD may schedule other general business meetings at their discretion. The President will conduct all meetings, or in his/her absence, the Vice President or his/her designee. All members in good standing will be encouraged to attend the general business meetings. Members will conduct themselves in an appropriate manner or they will be asked to leave the meeting. The Secretary will ensure that minutes are taken at all business meetings and made availiable upon request. Club members and prospective members may attend meetings.

Section 3. Board of Directors Meetings: The BOD will meet at least once each quarter (three months). The BOD may schedule additional meetings at their discretion. In the event an issue arises for which a decision needs to be made before the next scheduled BOD meeting, the BOD may use email to conduct these discussions and votes. Email votes are to be documented by the Secretary and reported in the subsequent BOD meeting minutes. The Secretary will ensure that minutes are taken at all BOD meetings, and reported at the next BOD meeting. If a member wishes to address the BOD, she/he must present an agenda item to the Secretary at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled BOD meeting. The member will then be given the opportunity to address the BOD and discuss the issue to the extent the BOD may make a decision.

Section 4. Quorum: A quorum is defined as 50 percent of the Executive BOD members plus one.

Section 5. Actions without a meeting: Any action required or permitted to be taken by the Board of Directors under the Florida Corporations Not For Profit Act , the Articles of Incorporation, and these bylaws may be taken without a meeting. If all Directors individually and collectively consent in writing, setting forth the action to be taken, and said action will be valid.

Article V

Board of Directors

Section 1. General Powers: The Board of Directors of the CHPHC shall manage all business.

Section 2. Numbers and Powers:

  • Executive Committee: ???

    • The Executive Committee shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Director, Social Director, Communications Director, Entertainment Director, Charities Director, and two Members-At Large. Each Executive Committee position shall have one (1) vote on all matters before the Executive Committee.

    • The Executive Committee shall be elected by a majority vote of all members in good standing.

    • The Executive Committee will be responsible for insuring that all CHPHC activities are conducted within the guidelines of Parrot Head in Paradise, Inc. The BOD will be empowered to make decisions between business meetings to insure these goals are met.

  • Founders: The Club’s Founders are Tracy & Matt Lehn. As such, they and their family are permanent, complimentary, lifetime members of the CHPHC and they are members of the BOD as long as they choose to remain members in good standing of the Club. Their permanent status on the BOD is as advisory members.

  • Committee Chairs: Activities Chairperson, Member Liaison Chairperson, Sponsorship Chairperson, Mini-Mart Store Manager, Club Photographer, Environmental Chairperson and Public Relations Chairperson and will be appointed by the BOD. Their status will be confirmed each year by vote of the BOD. The BOD will vote to approve a nomination, or, if there is more than one nominee, the position will be elected by a majority vote. The BOD reserves the right to add/delete chairpersons as needed.

  • Immediate Past President: Upon the election of a new President, the past President will serve on the BOD for the term of one (1) year in an advisory capacity.

Section 3. Term of Office: The Club will elect its officers for a two-year term. Members will elect one-half of its officers each year on an alternating basis. The President, Secretary, Membership Director, Communications Director, and two (2) Membership -at-Large will be elected in one cycle in the odd numbered years. The Vice-President, Treasurer, Social Director, Charities Director, and Entertainment Director will be elected in the next cycle in even numbered years. To run for the office of President, any candidate must have served as a member of the BOD for minimum of 1 (one) year. No elected officer shall serve continuously in

the same elected position for more than two terms unless no other candidate applies for the office, and/or the incumbent is approved by the BOD to run for an additional term.

Section 4. Election Officer: To begin the election process, the President will call for a volunteer or nominate a member of the Club to act as Election Officer (EO). The EO may not be a candidate for any office, a spouse or significant other, or related to a candidate applying for any club office. The BOD must approve the nomination of the EO. If desired or needed, the EO may form a small ad hoc committee to assist in the election process. The EO will interact with the BOD to determine the dates when nominations will open and close, when biographies/ resumes will be due to the EO, when balloting will begin and end, and when the results will be announced. The EO shall maintain the privacy and integrity of all assigned duties.

Section 5. Nominations: Nominations for offices will open in the month of April each year or as specified by the BOD. Any member in good standing may nominate any member in good standing for office, including themselves. Candidates for office will submit a bio/resume to the EO prior to the end of the nomination period.

Section 6. Elections: Ballots will be sent out to all members in good standing at least two (2) weeks prior to the date the election is to be closed. The EO must receive all ballots prior to the time and date set by the BOD to close the election. No ballots will be accepted after the designated time. If a tie vote occurs, the tiebreaker for each office will be the majority vote of the BOD. In the event that an elected officer, other than President, cannot complete their term in office, the President will nominate, or receive nominations, of another club member to assume the duties of the vacated office for the remainder of the term. The BOD will vote on those nominated to fill a vacated office. In the event that the office of President is vacated, the office will be filled by the Vice President. New Directors will take office at the first BOD meeting following the announcement of the election results. It is anticipated that both outgoing and incoming Directors will attend said meeting to facilitate the transition.

Section 7. Responsiblities of Officers:

  • President: The President:

    • Serves as the official Club representative at meetings, events and community activities

    • Oversees all offices and activities within the Club

    • Approves and ensures that required reports are filed in a timely manner to assure that the Club remains in compliance with the requirements of PHIP

    • Releases, or approves the release of, official communication to the Club and to outside organizations

    • Acts as primary Club contact with PHIP

    • Promotes the Club’s “Mission Statement” through affiliations to ensure the Club becomes involved within our community and elsewhere in the area

    • Nominate or receive nominations for replacements to any vacancies on the BOD. If any member volunteers for the position, the President must relay to the BOD the name of that member for approval. If more than one person volunteers for, or is nominated to a position, the BOD will decide by majority which candidate to accept

  • Vice President: The Vice President:

    • Fulfills any or all duties of the President if/when he/she is unable or incapable of do so

    • Ascends to the office of President in the event that the President resigns or is removed from office

    • Act as secondary contact with PHIP

    • Act as primary contact with PHIP and within the club for the distribution of any concert tickets

    • Performs any other duties as needed or requested by the President

  • Secretary: The Secretary:

    • Records minutes of all general membership business meetings

    • Records minutes of all BOD meetings and documents, and any email votes taken between BOD meetings

    • Prepares all required reports for PHIP and other entities as needed.

    • Distributes copies of minutes and reports to the BOD and members upon request

    • Designates a BOD member to take minutes at any BOD meeting at which the Secretary is unable to attend

    • Collects and tabulates the votes on all issues other than office elections.

    • Sends all correspondence relating to Club matters as approved and directed by the BOD

    • Performs any other duties as needed or requested by the President

  • Treasurer:The Treasurer:

    • Serves as the fiscal officer of the Club

    • Records receipts of alol financial transactions of the Club

    • Furnishes records and prepares monthly reports for business meetings or when requested by the BOD

    • Ensures that Federal and State tax returns are filed as necessary to maintain 501(c)(3) status

    • Ensures that the annual fee to renew the Clubs charter with PHIP is paid in full prior to the due date

    • Performs any other duties as needed or requested by the President

  • Membership Director: The Membership Director:

    • Enrolls new members, renews memberships, and maintains a database of all Club members

    • Ensures that each member is provided with an official Club badge and lanyard

    • Performs any other duties as needed or requested by the President.

  • Social Director: The Social Director:

    • Oversees all Club social events

    • Plans, executes and recommends to the BOD a schedule of activities consistent with the mission statement of the Club and PHIP

    • Submits the times and locations of all Club social events to the Communications Director for publication to to the membership

    • Performs any other duties as needed or requested by the President

  • Communications Director: The Communication Director:

    • Oversees the flow of online communication, including website, newsletter, and other social media formats, and keeping all input up-to-date

    • Assists in developing and implementing strategies and plans to communicate the organization’s message to the public

    • Performs any other duties as needed or requested by the President

  • Entertainment Director: The Entertainment Director:

    • Serves as the single point of contact between the Club and performers who are contracted to entertain at Club events

    • Ensures entertainment is provided for Club social events if needed

    • Maintains an annual plan of entertainment for Club meetings

    • Performs any other duties as needed or requested by the President.

  • Charities Director: The Charities Director:

    • Identifies and vets potential local charities for the BOD to consider

    • Acts as the Club’s primary liaison for charitable groups who the Club chooses to support

    • Maintains an annual plan for charities the Club supports, making changes as needed

    • Performs any other duties as needed or requested by the President

  • Members at Large (2): The Member at Large:

    • Serve as liaison and spokesperson between the membership and the BOD

    • Manage any projects that the BOD votes to pursue

    • Responsible for recruiting and managing volunteers for the Club

    • Perform any other duties as needed or requestede by the President

Section 8. Vacancies: Vacancies in all positions can be created by resignation, abondonment of duties, or by violation of any articles of the by-laws. If any member volunteers for the position, the President must inform the BOD the name of thatv member for approval. If more than one person volunteers for, or is nominated to the position, the BOD will decide by majority which candidate to accept. Persons filling vacated positions shall be appointed for the duration of the term that was vacated.

Article VI


Section 1: Fiscal Year: The fiscal year of the CHPHC will run from January 1 until December 31 of each year.

Section 2: General Operating Fund: Membership dues will constitue a General Operating Fund for the Club that can be supplemented by activities designated by the BOD.

Section 3: Reimbursement: Reimbursement to any member who has incurred expenses on behalf of the organization must be accompanied by a written request for reimbursement to any member of the BOD. Proper documentation including receipts must be submitted with the request. The President, Vice President, and Treasurer are the BOD members authorized to sign reimbursement checks. Treasurer may approve and pay expenditures up to a maximum of $300. Expenses over $300 should be discussed in advance to receive authorization from the BOD.

Article VIII


Section 1: Purpose:

  • The CHPHC shall use its funds only to accomplish the objectives and puposes specified by these bylaws, and no part of said funds shall insure, or be distributed to any member of the Charlotte Harbor Parrot Head Club.

  • In the event of dissolution, the BOD will donate all assets remaining after the payment of all legal expenses and other financial obligations to a charity or environmental cause previously supported by the Club and designated by the BOD.

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PO Box 510892, Punta Gorda FL 33951

(972) 896-5079

Copyright © 2025 Charlotte Harbor Parrot Head Club. All rights reserved.