The Charlotte Harbor Parrot Head Club Board of Directors is excited to announce our clubs new Volunteer Point System, Parrot Points.
A club can only be successful with all its members participating and supporting the activities of the club. Most clubs within the PHIP organization have some type of volunteer program. Since our most recent volunteer opportunities started last November, the BOD has been accumulating points if you volunteered at any of our activities (i.e. Air Show, Parade, Christmas Party, Social Committee, Birthday Party,etc.). We are hoping this program will encourage members to participate and volunteer at our events, and activities.
The program will run from November – October of each year. At our annual Christmas Party the volunteers that accumulated enough points will earn volunteer appreciation pins. There will be three pins awarded. Each volunteer activity has points that can be earned. The different levels are:
level 1 is 5-20 points
level 2 is 21-60 points
level 3 is 61 plus points.
The Points Guidelines are listed below. We hope this fun and exciting program will help motivate our club members to volunteer when we have the need for different projects and activities.
Any questions, please do not hesitate to contact, Waymon Young at [email protected], or Deb Hass at [email protected].
The Parrot point system is established to reward volunteers. Parrot Points will be tallied on the Fiscal Year Calendar, i.e November through October. Volunteer appreciation will be recognized at the Annual Christmas Party.
BOD will determine each year amount of points needed to attend party.
Chairpersons shall collect their volunteers’ quali&ing hours and report the hours to the Member At Large responsible for volunteers after each event needing volunteers. Hours shall be submitted to Member at Large in writing.
Attend a business meeting of a committee or activity of a BOD approved activity (BOD and Chairperson of that committee or activity excluded; phlockings are not considered a meeting except if working phlocking i.e 50/50, merchandise)
(2) hours minimum contribution for an event or activity- If event is scheduled for less that two (2) hours or cancelled or postphoned the volunteer will still recieve the one (I) point.
Volunteer at a BOD approved charitable organization. (Check phlocking schedule for charitable organizations for the year).
Over (4) hours minimum contribution for an event or activity.
Work Air Show (each day worked)
Donate blood during a “Charlotte Harbor Parrot Head Club” sponsored event.
Chairpersons with less than five (5) committee members (not counting themselves) per month while committee is active.
Board of Directors will receive five (5) points per month while serving on the Board.
Planning a Social Event (approved by Social Director).
Chairpersons with five (5) or more committee members (not counting themselves) per month while committee is active.
Sub-committee chairs (such as basket committee chair, decoration committee chair).
Chairpersons for major annual events such as Christmas Party, Christmas Parade Float, Air Show, Picnic, etc.